EU-LI-PHE is excited to announce the organization of its first training school, closely linked to the objectives and outputs of Working Group 1. This training school, titled Phenotyping Technologies, will take place from June 18-21 in Merelbeke, Belgium. Hosted by the Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (ILVO), this four-day event promises to be an enriching experience thanks to ILVO’s generous collaboration and support.
The training school will delve into the latest discoveries in animal phenotyping within the livestock sector. Additionally, it will provide young scientists with essential skills in research design, scientific writing, and conducting advanced, AI-enhanced literature reviews. Participants will be divided into groups based on their animal species of interest to ensure they gain the maximum benefit from this hands-on program. This way, more than 30 young researchers from all over Europe and beyond will gain important new skills that will be highly beneficial for their future careers.
Draft version of the program can be found here. For more information about this event, please contact the main organizers: WG1 Leader Prof. Hélène Soyeurt , WG1 Vice Leader Dr. Jarissa Maselyne, or the Training School Coordinator Prof. Tomas Norton. We look forward to welcoming our participants to what promises to be a highly informative and interactive event.